Edit your profile

You can change your profile options to control what information others see about you. This includes your profile image, preferred grade levels, and subjects.

Notes for librarians:

  • Users have to be logged in to Destiny with a unique username and password to edit their profile. If multiple users share the same account, they will also share the same profile. This could cause confusion if one user changes their profile image or email address. Follett recommends that all users have individual named accounts.
  • Students can select an emoji, person, or sticker for their profile image. They cannot upload a photo.
  • All roles, such as Administrator, Faculty, and Student, are set by your system administrator. You cannot edit your role.

To edit your profile:

  1. From the header, click your profile image, and then Profile.

  2. To change your profile image, do one of the following:
    • Select Personal Information > Upload Image, or drag and drop an image from your computer. This option may not be available, depending on your role.
    • Click Emojis, and select the desired option.
    • Click People, and select the desired option. To add glasses, select the With glasses checkbox.
    • Click Stickers, and select the desired option.

    Profile with image options highlighted.

  3. When you are done, click Save. Your photo, emoji, person, or sticker appears in the Destiny Discover header and in every collection you create in Collections by Destiny.

To edit your Personal Information:

  1. From the header, click your profile image, and then Profile.
  2. In the Personal Information > Interests section, select any Grades or Subjects.
  3. Click Save.


  • Under Companion Tools, click Install the Bookmarklet to make it easy to add webpages to your collections.
  • The bookmarklet is only available on desktop browsers.